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About Constanta


Constanta is the oldest certified human setlement in the country, once called Tomis city, long time it was a part of the Ancient Grece , the Roman Empire and and the Turkish Empire. It's a very nice city, located at the Black Sea coast. With its luxurios resorts, night clubs, shopping centres and beautiful parks, it is impossible to regret visiting Constanta.


















AIESEC Constanta


AIESEC Constanta was founded in 1993 by AIESEC Bucharest, becoming itself the founder of AIESEC Galati few years ago. Even if we are a small LC, taking into consideration the number of members, we manage to fulfill our goals through creative ideas.




AIESEC Constanta

Andreea VALSAN




PROJECTS in Constanta







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Cash Cubs

Cash Cubs is the youth development program that represents a non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of financial literacy in Constanta. Organized by AIESEC Constanta, Cash Cubs project addresses high school students in Constanta (age 17-19).

The program offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that focuses on the financial education of the participants.



6 weeks: 14th May – 2nd June

Accomodation and food provided (1 meal per day)

Training (Train the Trainers conference)„outside class” events with the students




AIESEC Academy

AIESEC Academy project is a non-formal educational project of Constanta, which offers student the posibility to enhance their knowledge through specialized trainings on their area of expertise, and to improve their people skills. We engage the participants in two tracks of trainings, soft and hard skills. The soft skills track is delivered by international volunteers, who have a minimal experience in the projects Schools.



6 weeks: 15th May – 1st July

Accomodation and food provided (1 meal per day)

Training (Train the Trainers conference)

4 Schools: Marketing, IT, Business and Sales„outside class” events with the students




Learn Today, Build Tomorrow (LTBT)

Learn Today, Build Tomorrow is a youth development program that represents a long term, non-formal educational engagement designed to improve the quality of education in Constanta. Organized by AIESEC, Learn Today, Build Tomorrow project addresses high school students in Romania (age 14-18). The program offers high school students a professionally designed educational curriculum that complements the formal education system. It has been developed with the support of experts in education and adolescent psychology, especially to address key needs of the development of teenage participant.



8 weeks: 16th June – 16th August

Accomodation and food provided (1 meal per day)

Training (Train the Trainers conference)

„outside class” events with the students




International Volunteers

International Volunteers is an AIESEC initiative in Constanta that challenges in multiculturality the NGO’s and Institutions in the local area. The project comes in form of an internship with the purpose to help them in solving human resources issues.



Official project period: from 01.02.2014 to 31.08.2014

Internship period may vary from 8 to 48 weeks.

The EPs have the opportunity to work in specialized companies in areas that they already have knowledge about.

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