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by Florent Mei Yi, PAI 12-13

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"Leaders imagine a world that they would like to be part of, a world worth fighting for." Seth Godin


Let's explore the world AIESEC wants to fight for!

We can say it's like a puzzle; but what kind of puzzle is it right now? 


The World Economic Forum 2013 - "We live in the most complex, interdependent and interconnected era in human history - a reality we know as the hyper-connected world. This reality presents a new leadership context, shaped by adaptive challenges as well as tranformational oportinities."


In this context, what is the role of a youth organization? Is AIESEC still relevant after 64 years?

There are always different challenges in the puzzle and the world always needs different things. But AIESEC believes that we can offer a fundamental and singular solution, that can cure any kind of issue. THE WORLD NEEDS LEADERSHIP.


Now, the good news is that LEADERSHIP can be DEVELOPED: our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact on society.


But what is the kind of leadersip that we need to develop? 


















To develop this kind of leadership one needs an inner and outer journey.




The knowledge to understand complex managementu through viewpoints such as strategy, marketing and operations. 

The ability to analyze the multi-stakeholder situation and decide what needs to be done. 

The ability to be who you are to get people involved and lead them. 



Explore and understand the purpose and mission behind the world's largest student-run organisation.


"Why AIESEC?" was a session delivered to the MCPs of each of the 110 entities of AIESEC about our shared value and impact model as an organisation.

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