Developing Communities in Romania
"Educate Romania" full education cycle
The national projects that AIESEC Romania runs develop the local communities approaching two different tactics:
through non-formal education
through issues solving (by collaborating with NGOs and public institutions)
"Educate Romania" full educational cycle
We felt the need to complement the education of the high-schoolers because we noticed that they didn't know anything about themselves or what to do with their lives after finishing high-school. Then we went even more back in time and we approached the students in the middle schools, because we noticed that education starts shaping the character of the children even sooner, so we thought we would have better chances to "get to them" and better participants in the high-school. We aproached the elementary school afterwards because we got the idea to create a full educational cycle for the youngsters in Romania. At the same time we started collaborating with the kindergardens because we wanted to offer a live full of multiculturalism to our young generations and to educate them in the spirit of tolerance.
We gather under this brand all the projects that involve raising the TNs with an external TN taker, and consequently impacting the community by helping the projects of an NGO (cultural, ecological, entrepreneurial, health oriented, counseling oriented, students oriented) or a public institution (University, orphanage, centers).
We are talking here about ReBranders and Experience Around the World - the two national projects implemented until now in our LCs for the last two years and they are growing with each edition.
The projects for this WINTER are the following:
- click on each tab to get information about the project!